Friday, December 2, 2011


Have been busy with college, mmyeah
How long have it been since I posted anything here? @@ 
Doesn't matter, have s- I mean at least I'm still posting '3'

Here are some unpublished doodles that I've done during free times

This be Argon, being awesome and all.extra large kitchen knives ftw

My friend calls this 'a waste of paper'true, actually @@
I actually published this in FA but meeehh
Quick face doodle. He looks like a Korean, dontcha think?
I have more drawings actually, most were done in class, on paper*NOOOOOOOOO*
Yep, I'm gonna wait till I'm back home to scan it. Ima post it as soon as I can. 

College life has been ok @@a pretty much. Though there are waay too many distractions around *spins*

well cya in the next post @@a

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