Friday, December 16, 2011

College doodles @A@

Yes, college doodles. I'll just dump em here @@

Islander outfit <3
Really proud of this one x3
I wonder if that weapon can really be effective...
I don't rly like this one but meeh
Looks like Argon's first pic somehow
Inspired by Yuna from FFX-2(specifically) and Rinoa from FFVIII
Mummy cat nyahaha~
*sparkly eyes*
I have no idea...
Wasn't on a good mood when doing this one @@
You can tell that I was in a restaurant when doing this one xD
Well that would be all @@a
I do have like a few more drawings but they're crappy, so hahahaheu

Have a nice day, keep drawing, if you do draw, that is @@

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