Friday, May 20, 2011


I am sick o_o
 Lol well I guess I'm not that high in temperature XD but I felt horrible this afternoon
Anywho I took my medicine and I think I feel kinda better. Gonna have dinner and drink juice 8D

Hm about today, earlier I got a physics practical test, which wasn't so hard XD There were 4 experiments. About force, light, electricity, and temperature. It went pretty well and I got a thumb up from my teacher for finishing quickly 8D *happy*

Right after the experiment I went home and took a nap, and I felt horrible coz of my sickness o_o And I keep on dreaming about the experiments XDa I dunno why. I guess it was the only thing I could think of and it stayed in my mind.

I wonder how I can get well quickly...
Oh right! people say happiness is a cure for anything, right? 8D
Then *plays a lot of games for 5 hours*

*gets sent to the hospital*
 Lol JK

Well see ya guys in the next post owo/  

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