Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm definitely not bragging

Basically, I'm too smart to be stupid.
Again, NO, I'm NOT bragging. I'm more like ranting.
See, I've seen a lot of people being able to do irresponsible and stupid things when they're angry.  While me? No, Every time I get angry and wanna do something, my mind just HAD to think of the consequences, making me NOT able to do it, STRESSING my INSIDES...
Something like this. I think of throwing the router to the floor when my connection go crazy(crazy here means either going as slow as 5 KB/s or going on and off every few seconds, which just happened). THEN, my mind just HAD to think of what will happen next. The router gets broken, I can't connect to the internet, bla bla bla, whatever.
Another thing, My laptop goes really slow of no reason, I get angry and think of slamming it with my hands. THEN my mind thinks of what happens next. It gets broken, I can't use it anymore, bla bla bla, etc.
Other things even, like I wanna kick the table. Then I think of the noise it will cause, and my parents will worry about me, and they will ask stuff, bla bla bla.
I wanna kick my dog. then I think of how she will feel, hurt, unloved, and I will look like an abuser, bla bla bla.

You know, ALL of these things make me a 'GOOD BOY' in people's eyes. Doesn't get angry, doesn't break stuff, can manage anger well, bla bla bla. But you know what I see? a 'PRESSURED, DEPRESSED, TIME BOMB'. Yeah, that's right. Someday in the future I might just explode. I dunno what it will be like, but I know it won't be pretty. It might just change me 180 degrees. Who knows, when I'm 18 I might be something like a thug, robbing people or something.

And just now a cockroach appeared, and I didn't have anything to get rid of it. I had to go get a bugspray and spray below my desk.
I sprayed a whole lot more than I needed to.

You know what? If this bugspray poisoned me tonight, I'd be glad. Heck, let it kill me before I explode. The world is better with one less time bomb.

Nuff said. 

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