Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Few stuff~ =w=

Eh, nothing significantly interesting has been happening lately, so I didn't feel the need to write it out.
Yknow, No more school, always staying at home, it gets quite boring sometimes. though still, some things happened :3

First of all, The Indonesian Furries made a collab, organized through our FB group. I was honored to be the organizer :'D 
Basically my friends sent me their pics following a specific theme that we chose and I compile them into one file. Though nobody said anything about what the file should be, so I made it into an interactive flash movie :3 Check it out 

Then, I went to Bandung like, last week or something, and met some of the indofurs I know in person. I didn't get to meet many of them since it's the first day of the fasting month, so they were busy having their first dinner with their families, and We didn't do much either since there's not much time, but it was all good :3
It pretty much helped me be closer to some of my friends that I've never really got close to, so, it's all good xD

Then.. uhh, like, last week is pretty much a really boring week. all I did is stay at home and do stuff with my laptop... it was.. eehh boring.

Though today wasn't that boring. I watched Harry Potter 7 part 2 :D It was great! though, it wasn't as great as I expected... HP7part1 was much better in my opinion, Though it might just be coz I don't want it to end just yet
And transformers 3 is on the movies, I think I'll be watching it soon enough.

 Last one, I bought the cheap(lol) jade necklace that I eyed weeks ago. I know necklaces aren't useful but hey, it's just about $2.50, no harm done to my wallet xD
Though still, eeh I'm kinda forming an image of myself lately. the jade necklace is definitely in.
 My goal is to make an image of myself that people will recognize immediately. I dunno if I sound desperate but I'm a maniac for originality and uniqueness 

I'm kinda sleepy right now, I'll make a pic for what image I'm aiming for soon.
Sleeptime nite nite =w=/

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